Java/Scala packages without '.'
2010-01-20 | lang/java lang/scala convention
Since some month, I no longer use ‘.’ in package ‘s name but ‘_’.
Pro :
- less “click” when browsing/navigate into java/scala sources from file system, editor’s “project viewer” or web view of SCM
- reduce the number of trouble introduce by scala relative import
- work with IDE (tested with Eclipse and IntelliJ)
- follow the same directory layout as for .class
Con :
- against all conventions (java / scala)
- make using relative imports impossible in scala (IHMO, It’s not a bad idea, relative import doesn’t help code reader who need to know the resolution rules, process them to find from where class come from)
- scale badly with the number of package, but help to see that your project contains to many package (justify ?)